PRECI History

- Review and revision of Australia’s ECI Best Practice Framework Consortium announced- University of Melbourne in partnership with MCRI, PRECI, SNAICC & CYDA
- Second National PRECI Conference: Riding the Wave, Surfers Paradise
- First face to face Board Meeting in Surfers Paradise
- First state-based workshop, Perth: Creating a caring and inclusive community: Implementing the Pyramid Model. Facilitated by Dr Mary Louise Hemmeter
- Submission to the Annual Pricing Review
- Joint Standing Committee on NDIS: Rural and remote Submission
- Productivity Commission Report on ECEC

- Response to National Not-for-profit Blueprint
- Response to NDIS Review Report
- First monthly webinar occurred – with over 100+ registrants on the waitlist.
- Monthly newsletter launched
- First PRECI AGM held
- Second submission response to the NDIS Review
- PRECI & Monash University Participatory Community Project (PCP) commenced to support implementation of best practices within the field.
- First PRECI NDIS review submission
- PRECI Response to the consultation for a new act to replace the Disability Services Act 1986

- The inaugural PRECI Conference was held virtually.
- PRECI website launched.
- PRECI Response to the Consultation on Developing a Guide to the Guiding Principles under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.
- PRECI Response to draft national supporting children with Autism Guidelines.
- First Research Snapshot developed.
- PRECI website commenced development.
- PRECI presented a poster at the International Society of Early Intervention Conference in Chicago
- PRECI was visible on social media.
- Registered as a charity with ACNC
- PRECI was formed as a not-for profit company limited by guarantee.
The inaugural board members included: Dr Anoo Bhopti (Vic), Dr Kerry Bull (Vic), Paula Buttigieg (WA) , Leigh Dix (WA), Kerry Dominish (NSW), John Forster (Vic), Megan Fox (NSW), Dr Susana Gavidia-Payne (Vic) Susan Glasson (WA), Assoc Prof Christine Johnston (NSW), Denise Luscombe (WA), Ros McAulay (SA) , Erica Miles (NT) , Dr Tim Moore (Vic).