Project Updates

February Update 2025

Upcoming PRECI Consultations

Review of Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention Consultation - Framework and tools

Online Events

This consultation will focus on the following topics: everyday settings, cultural safety and diversity affirming practice. We would appreciate your input into a decision-making framework. We will also discuss school-age children and children/families living in the rural and remote areas of Australia.​*

Mon, 17 Feb, 2:30pm - 4pm AEDT
Thu, 20 Feb, 7pm - 8:30pm AEDT

*These are the same so please register for one only. I would request that you don’t register if you are unable to attend.

January update 2025

Review of Best Practice in ECI – PRECI Round 3 Consultation Report
Review of Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention Review Report Jan 2025

December update 2024

Review of Best Practice in ECI – PRECI Round 2 Consultation Report
A message from the Review lead, Prof. Christine Imms 

As we approach the year’s end, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the progress we’ve made together on the Review of Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention. This has been a year of great collaboration and immense work, and I am grateful to everyone who has come on board this journey with us – every family, practitioner, professional and organisation who have generously shared insights into what is needed for Australia to lead the way in best practice early childhood intervention.

From the beginning of the review, our goal of creating an early childhood intervention system in which families, children and the people that support them can thrive has been embraced. Through consultations and conversations, your expertise, and willingness to engage have been critical. On behalf of the entire review team, I thank you for your passion and commitment and wish everyone a peaceful end to 2024.

Review information session recording now available
Click here to watch
Questions from the information session answered

The information session provided an opportunity for the Consortium to answer more of your questions about the review.  Responses to questions that we didn’t have time to answer during the session have been included in the updated Questions and Answers here.

If you asked a question during the session, please check the Q&As for a response from our Consortium partners.  If you have a question that is not answered in our Q&As please feel free to contact us

A message from Prof. Christine Imms- November 2024

On behalf of the consortium, it is my pleasure to make available the first reports from this work. To date, the collaborative partnership – the University of Melbourne, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) Professionals and Researchers in ECI (PRECI), SNAICC (National Voice for our Children), Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) and the Association for Children with a Disability (ACD) – have undertaken a comprehensive review of the literature and four separate consultation activities.

The review team, drawing on all their expertise and experience, is now synthesising all this information and the results of this work will be combined to produce a Best Practice Framework. The project will also produce resources and tools to help practitioners and families understand the framework and how to use it in their everyday practice and lives.

We will continue to consult with families, young people with disability, professionals and practitioners to hear their views about what works best for children and families as we progress this work. Everyone’s views are welcome and are being considered.

Executive Summary of desktop review

Full desktop review report

If you have not already signed up to do so, you are welcome to join us for an information session on Monday 25 November 2024 at 7.30pm AEDT.

Consultation reports, November 2024

Four consultations were undertaken, led by four of the Consortium partners. These reports are available below. The next step in the review is to bring together the evidence from the literature and the consultations to inform the development of the Best Practice Framework.

Click below to read papers

Findings from the PRECI consultations

PRECI have conducted an exhaustive tour around Australia, conducting in-depth consultations with ECI professionals and practitioners. The team has been inspired by the experience of engaging with a diverse array of passionate early childhood professionals.

Monday 25th November 7:30PM AEST

Come along to our information session to hear about the Department of Social Services (DSS) commissioned Review of Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention. We will share what we have learned, what we have heard, where we are up to and what is coming next.

DSS, the University of Melbourne team and all the partners involved in developing the new best practice framework will be there to answer your questions about the review. This important work will contribute to the second objective of the Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan as part of implementing Australia’s Disability Strategy.

A note of clarification

There is a great deal of activity and reform currently underway in the early childhood sector. This project is the only one commissioned by, and funded through, the Department of Social Services, to review and update guidance in early childhood intervention.

When this work is finished, a new framework that extends beyond general aims, guidelines and principles, will be available for use by practitioners and families. Resources and tools to help with implementation will also be available.

Until then, the 2016 edition of the ECIA National Guidelines: Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention continues to be endorsed by the Department and supported for use by the NDIA’s Early Childhood Partners. 

November 2024 Update

Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan action 2.4
Review of best practice in early childhood intervention

Information shared from: Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan action 2.4 | Department of Social Services, Australian Government

Note: There is a great deal of activity and reform currently underway in this sector. The project outlined on this page is the only one commissioned by, and funded through, the Department of Social Services to review and update guidance in early childhood intervention.

Until this work is completed, the first edition of the ECIA National Guidelines: Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention (below) continues to be endorsed by the department and supported for use by the NDIA’s Early Childhood Partners.

ECIA National Guidelines: Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention

To date the project team has completed:

  • a comprehensive desktop review Australian and international literature regarding best practice guidance for early childhood intervention to support young children with developmental concerns, delay or disability and their families
  • broad consultations with a wide range of individuals and organisations to inform the development of the new best practice framework including:
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and community-controlled organisations
    • families, parents and caregivers of children with disability or developmental delay or concerns
    • young people aged 15-30 years who have experiences of childhood interventions and support
    • state and national peak bodies and community-controlled organisations
    • early childhood practitioners and providers
    • professional organisations, peak bodies
    • advocacy organisations
    • researchers and academics.

Reports outlining findings from these first two parts of the project will be released shortly.The project team will share what they have found and heard so far, and what is coming next, at an online public information session on 25 November 2024. 

Event details: Online, 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm (AEDT), Monday 25 November 2024

Access your free ticket here(link is external)

This project is scheduled to be completed in the first half of 2025.

The project team can be contacted at sends e-mail).

To stay informed or be consulted, register your interest(link is external).

Information shared from DSS website: Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan action 2.4 | Department of Social Services, Australian Government

October 2024 Update

PRECI is pleased to have provided the Consultation Summary report to DSS.  This will be available publicly in the near future.
Currently, work is commencing on the development of the Practice Framework for Early Childhood Intervention in Australia.

Review of Best Practice
in Early Childhood Intervention
PRECI is delighted to be commencing consultations to inform the development of a Practice Framework for Early Childhood Intervention in Australia, including associated tools and resources.  This activity is part of the Review of Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention Project funded by the Department of Social Services.  

PRECI will focus on engaging with early childhood intervention professionals working with children with developmental concerns, delays or disability and their families, early childhood educators, health and community health professionals, medical professionals, researchers and academics, policy makers, advocacy organisations, peak bodies and professional organisations. 

We ask that you only register for ONE in-person OR online consultation so we can reach as many people as possible.  We encourage everyone to complete the survey.

Consultation options 1 and 2 are available to view and choose from on the PRECI Humanitix page.

Targeted Consultations

Individual targeted online consultations will be offered to professional organisations.  These will be invite only.

Targeted consultations will also be available to peak bodies, health and education providers, family and multicultural advocacy organisations, inclusion support, academics and researchers.  

If you work in one of these areas, and feel it would be more appropriate to attend a targeted consultation than an open consultation, please email and we will endeavour to include you in the  consultation requested.


Online Survey

We would encourage everyone to complete the survey.   

Click on the link or scan the QR code to provide your  practice expertise and insights.

If you have any questions regarding the Project, please feel free to email

Link to survey

We are seeking your feedback on terminology for the new framework

We’re seeking your feedback on the terminology for the new framework through a quick survey. The survey focuses on the following two key aspects of terminology related to the Review of Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention. We’ve also prepared a brief discussion paper that highlights issues with current terms and potential alternatives. We encourage you to read it before completing the 5-minute survey.

Terminology for new framework- click on links below
Monday 25th November 7:30PM AEST

Come along to our information session to hear about the Department of Social Services (DSS) commissioned Review of Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention. We will share what we have learned, what we have heard, where we are up to and what is coming next.

DSS, the University of Melbourne team and all the partners involved in developing the new best practice framework will be there to answer your questions about the review. This important work will contribute to the second objective of the Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan as part of implementing Australia’s Disability Strategy.

Online Consultation

Taking 1.5 hours, these consultations will focus on specific areas required to develop the Practice Framework. Numbers are limited to 20 people to ensure maximum engagement and interaction.  You can register at the link below.  Waitlists will be activated.  Consultations have been scheduled to accomodate different time zones and occur across various times of the day and evening.

Aims, principles and outcomes of early childhood intervention
22nd August (1)22nd August (2) & 26th August

Theory to practice: guidelines, resources and professional development
20th August27th August & 29th August

Best practice in early childhood intervention: understandings, challenges and solutions.
19th August22nd August & 4th September

Rural, regional and remote providers
17th September

New graduates – less than 3 years in Early Childhood Intervention
28th August

June 2024: The DSS-funded ‘Review of best practice in early childhood intervention Project’ has commenced with PRECI Board Members involved in the initial desktop review as well as leading the development of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan, in preparation for future consultations.  If you would like to be involved in consultations, click here to register your interest.

As a reminder:
This Best Practice Framework relates specifically to Action Item 2.4 of the Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan (TAP), which is overseen by the Department of Social Services and is one of five TAPs under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.

Funded by the Department of Social Services, the consortium is led by Professor Christine Imms of the University of Melbourne in partnership with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Professionals and Researchers in Early Childhood Intervention, SNAICC – National Voice of our Children and Children and Young People with Disability Australia

Read the full news bulletin here.

 Information session recording available now!

Consortium announced

 PRECI are delighted to be partners in a consortium to independently review best practice in early childhood intervention and develop a new Best Practice Framework for Early Childhood Intervention. This framework will help to ensure children growing up in Australia with disability or developmental concerns and their families are well supported and have every chance to thrive.

This Best Practice Framework relates specifically to Action Item 2.4 of the Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan (TAP), which is overseen by the Department of Social Services and is one of five TAPs under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.

Funded by the Department of Social Services, the consortium is led by Professor Christine Imms of the University of Melbourne in partnership with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Professionals and Researchers in Early Childhood Intervention, SNAICC – National Voice of our Children and Children and Young People with Disability Australia

PRECI are looking forward to leading the consultations and engaging with all key stakeholders about this critical work.

Read the full news bulletin here.

 Get involved!

The Early Childhood Intervention Best Practice Framework will be developed through deep consultation with parents, caregivers, professionals and researchers in the early childhood community across Australia.  

The team looks forward to hearing from and working with all those with an interest in supporting the early years of children’s lives as we begin this vital work. If you would like to contribute, or to receive updates on progress please click below to register your interest

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